
About IRRI and IRRI South Asia Regional Centre

The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), a global non-profit headquartered in the Philippines, is dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger in rice-dependent communities. Through research and partnerships, IRRI works to improve the livelihoods of rice farmers and consumers, promote environmental sustainability, and empower women and youth in the rice sector. In India, IRRI’s 56-year partnership culminated in the establishment of the IRRI South Asia Regional Centre (ISARC) in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Inaugurated by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in December 2018, ISARC serves as a hub for regional research, training, and services to strengthen rice-based agri-food systems across South Asia and Africa.

ISARC places has a strong emphasis on rice-related research and development with the vision to:

  • Deliver research services for development (R4D) services to the private and public sectors through cutting-edge laboratory facilities focusing on grain quality, crop production, and nutritional quality.
  • Facilitating knowledge transfer and capacity building through specialized short courses in rice-based agri-food systems and other education offerings by IRRI within the region.
  • Foster South-South collaboration to enhance the capacity of rice-growing countries in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa in crop production and seed quality, ultimately contributing to increased farmers’ income.
  • Know more about IRRI

About the National Seed Research and Training Center (NSRTC)

The National Seed Research and Training Centre (NSRTC), under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India was established in Varanasi to promote seed quality and testing in India. NSRTC houses the Central Seed Testing Laboratory (CSTL) and serves as a reference lab for seed quality, offering training and workshops to stakeholders in the seed industry.

Key objectives include:

  • Providing a common platform for all agencies and organizations concerned with seed science at the national level.
  • Transfer of modern technologies in seed science through various HRD activities.
  • Coordinating with other premier institutes in the country and across the globe.
  • Contributing systematically with an integrated approach to ensure the availability of high-quality seeds to users.
  • Strengthening the country’s “Seed Quality Testing Network” in the country.

Know more about NSRTC

Together, IRRI and NSRTC provide the ideal platform to host NSC 2024, fostering collaboration and innovation in the seed sector.