Important Dates

31 October 2024

Last date of registration

31 October 2024

Submission of abstracts

07 November 2024

Notification of acceptance

Registrations Fees

Registration category Fees (INR)
Industry Personnel 10,000
Scientist/Faculty/Govt. Officials 7,000
Research Scholar/Research Fellow 5,000
Retired Officials/FPO/FPC/Progressive Farmers 2,500
Accompanying person 2,500

The registration fee includes the congress kit, access to plenary and technical sessions, food and beverages during the congress. Congress kits will not provided to the accompanying persons.
Travel and accommodation expenses are to be borne by participants themselves. Interested International participants can reach us our at for information and guidance on registration, visa and accommodation.

Delegate Registration and Abstract Submission form

Register now to secure your participation at the NSC 2024

Abstract Submission Guideline

All submitted abstracts must be written in English and contain no more than 350 words (excluding the title, keywords, and references). The title should have a maximum of 12 words and include the five keywords. It must specify whether the submission is theoretical, educational, or research-based. Follow these section headings:

  • Introduction and purpose/proposition
  • Approach of methods
  • Results/findings/supporting arguments
  • Implication for occupational science

Abstracts may also:

  • Include up to five references, which will not affect the competitive criteria for review.
  • Provide a translated version in the author's preferred language.

Abstract Conference Guideline:

  • Authors must attend and present at the conference in person.
  • Papers may have multiple authors! at least one author must register for and attend the NSC 2024.
  • The submitting author should input all author details and upload their abstract using the abstract submission form.
  • Authors should indicate on the form the type of submission (paper, poster, dialogic) and whether they are willing to accept an alternate format.
  • Submitted abstracts must be anonymized.
  • All abstracts will be double-blind reviewed for their educational/theoretical/research content quality, adherence to submission guidelines, and link to the conference theme.
  • Submissions should use 12 pt font, in Times New Roman and follow APA-7 style for reference citation.

Types of Submission :

Oral Sessions: These face-to-face live sessions last approximately 15 minutes and are followed by a question and answer. Participants can address a range of theoretical, educational, or research-based topics related to, but not limited to, the conference theme.

Poster Sessions: Posters will be displayed in hard copy format and presented in real-time and space with a question period. They can address a range of theoretical, educational, or research-based topics relating to, but not limited to, the conference theme.